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    Extensible Micro-services to modifying business modules

    In almost every industry, businesses encounter IT outmodedness because of a large backlog of legacy systems. If your business is affected by legacy applications and outdated systems and you are missing out pragmatic opportunities due to these obsolete applications, Adactin is just one click away to enable you to speed up your IT modernisation with our advanced
    micro-services solutions.


    The Adactin Approach

    We understand that a micro-services based architecture naturally imposes a commutable formation that transmits itself to an uninterrupted delivery software development process. A small change to any part of the application requires only rebuilding and deploying either only one or a small number of services. We closely follow the principles like finely grained alliances for unaccompanied adjustable services, business-driven development, advanced cloud application structures, polyglot programming and resolution, light-weight container deployment, decentralised continuous delivery, and DevOps with a complete service monitoring. Below are some frequently occurring issues that we encounter while deploying modern IT systems.

    The key offerings

    Our micro-services provide supplementary efficiency using a common tool set that can be utilised for both development and operations. This common tool set creates not only common terminologies, but also processes for requirements, dependencies and problems.


    Dedicated COE

    Dedicated Center of Excellence for micro-services with Containerisation and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

    Progressive Approach

    Low risk, incremental settlement modernisation approach as compared to large scale rip and replace approaches.

    Digital Services

    Connecting all user touch points to your enterprise systems with re-usable and built-in digital services

    Extensible Framework

    Building customer micro-services based business processes