ESG Plan

Environmental, Social, and Governance Policy

Environmental, Social, and Governance Policy

1. Scope of Policy

This Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy is intended to address and assist all stakeholders of Adactin Group. Adactin recognises the importance of our impact beyond our services, as we are committed to embracing the principles of ESG responsibility in all areas of our operations.

This policy outlines our dedication and approach to operating responsibly with a strong focus on our ESG initiatives. It demonstrates a reference point for our stakeholders on the standards we seek to uphold, the targets and duties we are adopting, and the governance and oversight in place to support our endeavors.

The ESG Policy will continue to evolve over time to reflect our progress, developing member and stakeholder expectations and regulatory requirements.

The purpose of this policy document is to set out the guiding principles for Adactin Group and its stakeholders as we integrate ESG risk (and opportunity) management into our business.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

All Adactin employees/stakeholders are expected to comply with legislative requirements and internal policies, behave in accordance with the Adactin Values, Code of Conduct, and comply with the ESG policy.

The following bodies and positions have key roles:

  •  Adactin Executive Board – is the accountable authority and is responsible for the oversight and annual review of ESG strategy across all business functions.
  • Adactin Executive Management – is expected to implement the ESG strategies across their business functions. They are responsible for reporting to the board on ESG compliance.
  • Adactin Group’s Audit and Risk Committee – is expected to oversee the maintenance and governance of the ESG program and Adactin’s ESG reporting procedures.
  • Employees/Stakeholders – are expected to act in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures. Report any ESG related activities to the specified authorities.

3. ESG Framework

Our ESG Framework focuses on the key principles as per below:

  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Social Responsibility
  • Governance

The framework includes a range of ESG strategies that are designed to improve business function.
Please refer to below.

3.1 Environmental

We understand that organisations such as Adactin have an impact on the environment and must be
resilient to minimise environmental risks. We are determined to promote eco-conscious strategies in
addressing environmental challenges.

The following initiatives are designed to support our management of environmental risks:

a) Energy Efficiency: We are committed to reducing energy consumption across our operations. This is achieved through:

  • Reducing energy consumption in office environments.
  • Minimizing travel by allowing remote working in line with our work from home policy.

b) Waste Management and Reduction: We pledge to minimise waste generation and promote recycling. This is achieved through implementing actions such as:

  • Minimising the use of paper
  • Reducing single use plastics

3.2 Social

We are strongly committed to social responsibility as this is an integral part of our company. The
following social initiatives are designed to support our people to deliver their best efforts and be part
of an inclusive working environment:

a) Community Engagement: We provide opportunities for employees to engage in community corporate social responsibility initiatives through our Adactin Legacy Initiative where employees are encouraged to be part of activities such as volunteering and food donations.

b) Diversity and Inclusion: We strive to enhance our workforce’s diverse profile through internal and external hiring/succession practices. In addition, we ensure we create an inclusive workplace culture that values different views and backgrounds.

c) Workplace Culture and Engagement: We aim to build a strong culture and be a conscientious employer. We create positive work environments that reward our company values including innovation and collaboration at all levels. Our management team are encouraged to implement an “open door policy” and create ongoing feedback channels where employees are open to contribute their feedback and inputs.

3.3 Governance

The monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the ESG plan is the final step in our ESG framework. This includes a strong approach to corporate governance that complies with all applicable regulations and policies as well as ongoing adherence to our values.

The procedures include:

a) Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of ESG control measures, including the implementation, outcomes, and reporting.

b) Internal and External Audits: Engage continual strategic audits to review the ESG control framework, policies, and procedures.

c) Continuous Improvement: Actively seek feedback from key stakeholders and implement necessary enhancements to the ESG program based on emerging risks and opportunities.

d) Data and Security: All stakeholders of the business are required to complete information security training as per ISO standards. This is governed regularly.

4. Policies and Procedures

  • The employee shall comply with all Adactin and its clients’ policies and procedures as they change from time to time, where such policies and procedures have been brought to the employee’s attention.
  • If the employee has any queries regarding the policy or requires further clarification, they are required to reach out to their Report Manager or an HR Representative.

Feel free to reach out to for any further information.

Version No. Document Name Version Date Author Approved By
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy
Sukanya Suryakumar
Sapna Bhatia
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy
Sukanya Suryakumar
Sapna Bhatia